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Parkinson’s Disease – Beyond The Shakes Contact Page
Hey, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to visit my website Parkinson’s Disease – Beyond The Shakes. I appreciate you visiting and choosing me as your information provider when it comes to learning more about living with Parkinson’s disease.
For questions, suggestions, or any concerns, please leave me a message by filling out the form below.
I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
I want to make this site as interactive as possible and would love to hear from you. If you have any topics that you would like discussed, please include those on the contact form as well. I want to make this site a community where we can all learn from each other and share ideas.
For questions about our content, technical issues, and more, please contact me at cakusty@gmailcom.
Mailing Address: 886 Aaron Drive, York, PA 17401. Tel:717-771-6911 mobile:717-309-5173
Visit my Home and My Grateful Blessed Life pages for more information.